Hello, dear ones. We welcome you and invite you to open your hearts as you read these pages. There is much that will be said in these pages, some that will please you and some that will concern you. We assure that all that is unfolding is being done with purpose and love. There is much unrest on your planet at this time. The darkest crevices and recesses of the earth have exploded as a way to cleanse itself of all the selfishness and greed that has perpetuated your planet. In the cleansing many souls have been eradicated from the earth plane. The multitude of numbers had to be so great – to gain the attention of your world. This catastrophe was far too large to be ignored. This is what has been needed to bring all the dissident parties of earth together. To shift the focus of the past into a new dimension. In the coming days there will be a great deal of shifting. This is truly an opportunity for healing. In each and every one of your lives there is a place that you have felt conflicted, something you have not been able to resolve. You want to “change,” you want to be more loving and, yet, you find when you are faced with an old hurt you tend to slide right back into your old responses. Please, dear ones, do not abandon your ship. Even if you fall overboard hoist yourself up once again and give it another go. This is your time to breakthrough the barriers that have kept you small. Yes, we understand the frustration you feel at times and, yet, know that you can shift what you believe is unshiftable. Perhaps it will only be a centimeter that has shifted, but with love in your heart you will find that this too will grow as you move closer to your truth.
The message for this month is to hang in there, even when the waters appear to be rough. For each trip will open you up to more and more possibilities.
In Light and Love, Kandel (The Communicators)
Questions from Readers

The Communicators: Hello, Lisa. There is quite a bit of unrest that has been seen on earth at this time. Pain unequaled to anything known by the current inhabitants of earth, and we understand your great concern. However, at this particular time we would like to speak to you, for within your own life you have been asked to face many challenges that have felt quite overwhelming. We understand that you want very much to feel peace and understanding. When you look at the disasters in the world you feel the pain and suffering of many and it also brings up your own pain and fears. This is what needs to be quieted down first and foremost. Lisa, the outlet for you will come through drawing not necessarily “creating art”. Lisa, through drawing you will allow your many emotions to be released. You have needed a place for them to go. It is through this process that you will find clarity. This can be your form of meditation. Again the focus for you now must be on the release and not on an “art experience.” Each day you must tell your story – draw the words that you have not been able to speak – draw the feelings that you have felt overwhelmed by – draw the sadness that you wonder if it will ever leave you. These drawing are for you and you alone – later when you have found your balance you can share them with others. It is through drawing that you will find your way home again.
Morty from NYC: What will make my current state of hopelessness and depression change so that I will think that anything is worth bothering with or attending to. Is there an alternative other than suicide when medications and treatment don’t make any difference?
The Communicators: Hello, Morty. The voice that you hear within you at this time, the sound that resounds in your head, is the voice of a parent that repeatedly told you that you could not succeed in what you desire. After hearing this over and over in your mind you have learned to believe this voice to be your truth, and that there is little that you can do to change it. Morty, we are here to tell you that it is not so. Morty, you are most amazing human who has been given many challenges to work with.
Morty, we know how challenging your life has become, things are in deed often difficult for you and, yes, there is indeed much you have “lost” in terms of status. However, dear one, we must say that you have been placed on earth at this time to be an inspiration to yourself and to all those who know you. Each day when you wake up, you must truly be awake and can never take the easy way out. Morty, you are a scientist by nature and you want to constantly discover why the human mind works the way it does, and you have created this situation so that you may make new discoveries in this area through you own experiences.
Each day you must chronicle your experiences as if you were observing a patient. There is much wonder in what you do each day, and yet you seem to miss it because you have stopped looking – you have chosen safety over discovery. And it is the quest for answers that has always kept you going. You are your greatest source of information and knowledge – that is the gift you have been given. There so much you wanted to learn and you could not do it any other way – so that which you see as your curse has been your gift. The greater challenge for you at this time is to begin to work with all that you are in a new way, instead of seeing only the obstacles. Learn to observe the minuet changes and all the subtleness of every situation. Morty, there is far more richness in your life than you are seeing.