Hello, dear ones. We welcome you, and applaud you once again. Many of you have had to face that which you have believed was completed and yet it stares you in the face once again. You now have a new perspective on an old piece of business. You can now look at the old with fresh eyes. This will assist you in moving to a new place in your existence. The use of caution is no longer necessary as a way to alter the outcome of what you did in the past, for it keeps you linked to yesterday. It does not give you enough elbow room to move. At this time you are wanting to open doors fully, not half-way. That which is needed at this time is much bolder gestures and less walking with caution and trepidation.
In Light and Love, Kandel (The Communicators)
Questions from Readers

The Communicators: Hello Brigitte, we would like to congratulate you on all the fine work you have accomplished. Now it is time for you to return to your source. You have needed to move into a different culture so that you could clear out old hurts and expand your mighty vision. To continue in your current mode would simply stunt your growth. The anxiety you are experiencing at this time is your fear of returning to the “old”. You have a new found freedom and you are not willing to return to the old “feelings”. Brigitte we can assure you that you will never return to the past “Brigitte” because that mass of energy no longer exists – you have created a new paradigm for yourself and it is from that place that you will come forth. As to where exactly you need to go – this is for you to determine. Your life must be about following your heart. To direct you would be to limit you. Your own self-expression is very willing and able to take on the task of finding a new direction for “YOU”. Once you feel safe you mind will open up to many new possibilities and that is what you need to follow.
Beverly from Long Island: My question deals with me not completing the projects that I start. I’m not sure of the reason, boredom, and fear of the outcome or just not knowing what to do next. I am concerned that I am not starting a new project because I am afraid I won’t finish it.
The Communicators: Dear you are a soul of enormous creativity and vision and yet you often second guess that which you see before you. That which haunts you is a kind of self-judgment which questions if what you are doing, or about to do is constructive, sensible or practical. This is the voice of censorship that often throws a bucket of cold water on many of your inspired ideas. Somehow you feel you must find a “reason” to justify what you want to do. Often this can take a good deal of time until you can find a “good enough” reason to do a project. This tends to be exhausting and it causes you to lose interest in the project. The area to work on is the “censorship” of your creative process. Your creativity gives you enormous joy and allows you to express yourself in much bolder ways than you would otherwise. The more you can tap into that aspect of yourself the greater joy you will feel in your life. Dear the next time an idea comes to you, begin to notice your process. At first you may allow yourself to dream about it fully and the moment that you decide you would like to do it, the censor takes over. Dear when you can see these two aspects of yourself; the creator and the censor, than you can begin to disengage from this pattern. This is so ingrained in your process that you believe it is your process, but in fact it has just become a habit; it is not how you are intended to function or to create.
Maryanne from NYC: I’ve been paying more attention to how I interact with the family I married into. The most challenging person in this family, for me, has always been my husband’s aunt. I’m trying to open up and just be myself in her presence, but I continue to find her challenging. In the past it was best to steer clear of her, but I don’t want to do that anymore. I’m looking for fine pointers on how to relate to Auntie, and how to grow with the family.
The Communicators: Hello dear one, that which you desire now is to get things in order and to “get it right.” This comes up in reference to your husband’s family for it is an extension of him and you are still wanting to “ get things right” with him. The Aunt you are speaking of is well intentioned, and yet her energy is often toxic to those that don’t understand why she says and does the things that she does. What is most disturbing to you is that you feel you “can’t get it right” when you in her presence. You speak of your husband’s family but the challenge for you at this time has more to do with your relationship to yourself and your need “to get it right. Dear you have gotten it right, time and time again. But sometimes there will be loose ends, or sloppy feelings, or unruly people who blurt out things that make your uncomfortable. This is all part of life on earth, and no matter how you may work at “getting it right” there will always be something that is askew. You are quite aware of the many imperfections around you and inside of you, the next step is to see that all is quite perfect as it is, and you have indeed “gotten it quite right”! A family is made up of many parts some edges are smooth, some are rough and some are pointy and yet when you put all the pieces together it create a whole. Each part contributes to the whole and Auntie is an integral part of what cements this family together, from her everything flows, even when it appears otherwise. There is much wonder in Auntie and over time you will get to see it.