Hello, dear ones. The doors have opened. Some have walked through, while others have hovered around the entrance, trying to decide if it is time to make a change. For those who have walked through the door, you are beginning to feel elation and an elevated sense of purpose. For those of you hovering around the entrance, still questioning and looking for a guarantee, there is an internal uneasiness. The place where you stand is getting quite crowded; it is becoming something of a meeting place. There seems to be no reason to venture any farther; you have all the company you need, all the support you need to keep you fixed at the door of discovery and change. We bring this up to you, as a reminder, that your journey is not complete; this is simply a stopover. You have not arrived at your destination; you believe you have because you have so much company. It is only a mass of human beings keeping each other company while individually you are yearning to go beyond your individual fears. Dear ones, we invite you to step through the door of hopes and dreams. It is what you are longing for and it is what is intended for you. All that you are is within you; all that you need is within you. That which you venture out to seek is that which will allow you to expand outward and to have greater expression. A false sense of safety is not a destination; it is simply a tool to be used for navigational purpose. You can use this tool to assist you in moving past that which your mind is telling you is undoable. Take the steps needed. The more of you that move forward, the more of you that will want to follow.
In Light and Love, Kandel (The Communicators)
Questions from Readers
Dennis from Long Island:I had a close friend whom I lost contact with during the last few years. Then he called during a very important event and I was somewhat abrupt with him. I forgot to return his call for one week and when I did he was very abrupt with me. Is there any way I can get this friendship back on track or should I just give up?
The Communicators: Hello, Dennis, we welcome you. That which you are inquiring about is being brought about by a feeling of loss. The friend in question is a person who is also feeling the loss of his connection to you. That which has inflamed him is the belief that you did not value him. This is a man who often feels like he has gotten the short end of the stick. This has been his anthem since he was a child. He wants very much to be seen and heard and appreciated. This was something that was sadly missing in his upbringing. As a way to grab attention, he has become something of a reactionary. His emotional explosions are a way for him to release his pent-up frustrations of not feeling that he is an equal to other people. His life has been about perpetuating and enforcing this belief. In many ways he feels that you have betrayed him. This is how he has interpreted your actions. Dennis, we can assure you that you have done no such thing. We understand that in other ways this was a very nice union for both of you. And both of you enjoyed the connection. When it is just you and him, it is fine because at a basic level you accept him as he is. However, when other people come into the picture, your friend easily feels threatened. He believes he will become invisible and lose his connection to you and so he begins to seek ways to protect himself through more aggressive behavior. Your connection with him will do fine if it is limited to just you and him. If you attempt to take it into a larger arena, in which other family members or friends are included, you will experience repeated outburst from him.

The Communicators: Hello, dear one, the winds of change are upon you. That which is beginning to unfold for you and all of your friends is something of an awakening. There is the realization that something big is about to happen. There is an excitement and fear in each of you. You are feeling the effects of all of this. As insecurities arise, different behaviors are emerging: some are clingier, some more detached, and some more talkative while others are more silent. Jill, when you retreat into your own world because you don’t feel accepted, this causes your friends to think that you don’t need them. The lesson for you at this time is to shift what you are putting out into the world. One moment you are friendly and another moment you retreat. People wonder whether you like them or need them. You appear to be the girl who has it all and yet you are as frightened as your friends are. Jill, you must begin to see the impact that your changing moods are having on other people. When you mix your variations in behavior with the variations of behavior of your friends (who are also frightened) you can easily see how confusion can arise. Jill, the way to mend this situation is to begin to observe your own moodiness and to see the impact it may have on other people. Many of your friends like you very much; some understand you and some don’t. They are also feeling insecure at this time and they are not sure if you accept them. Each one of you wants the same thing–to feel accepted.
Thaddeus from Geneva: I feel as though my path is going in two different directions: my business and my volunteer work. My passion is with the latter but I am committed to both. How can I deal with the fear that my passion will pull me away from the security of and a commitment to my business?
The Communicators: Dear one, we welcome you. For some time, you have believed that you had to compartmentalize your life in order to do all that you have needed to do in the world. You are in the process of learning that that which you have set up as a template for your life is in the midst of a radical upheaval. You are no longer to be confined to areas of inefficiency that cause you to over simplify that which can be used in a less refined stage. In the past, your attention to detail has caused you to spend far more time than was needed on any given project. You no longer have the luxury of time to indulge your emotions in such trivialities. Dear one, you are pushing far out into the ocean and you have all the navigational skills that you need to swim in deep waters. That which pulls you down is the heavy load you carry. Too much of your work is being over processed. You seek excellence and this is part of your greatness, and yet small details are now becoming your dictator. Thaddeus, there is much work that you are intended to do on the earth plane; there is much territory that you want and will cover. You can move much quicker and farther if you begin to disengage from details that are frankly unnecessary. Detailing has become something of a habit for you. It insulates you and regulates you and gives you a sense of well being. However, at this time in your life, detailing is weighing you down and it is not allowing you to move as easily and freely as you would like. Dear one, there is no reason that you have to choose between the left or the right in your life; both aspects of your life maintain you in different ways. Now, you are being given an opportunity to spread your wings and truly enjoy the journey. It is that which you desire and it is that which you are intended to do in this lifetime. We understand your fear of turning your back on that which sustains you and to that which you have committed. And, yet, your discomfort comes from your fear of really being seen for who you are and what you are truly capable of doing. You often find a safe haven in your work arena in which you can be camouflaged by a mountain of details and busyness. Your current opportunity is causing you to pull away from your routine and that which you believe is needed for you to stay afloat in the world. Thaddeus, you will not abandon that which you have given birth to. You just need to put more emphasis on another aspect of your life at this time. Your travels will allow you to open up and come forth in ways that you have not fully done in the arena of your business. The skills that you develop will be ones that you can bring back home and incorporate into your business practices. Any inner growth that takes place within you will easily translate into an expanded outlook on the way you operate in all aspects of your daily life. Dear one it is time to lighten your load.