Hello, dear ones. Welcome, once again. Yes, this is a time of truth for all of you. That which you believe you must have in your life in order for it to be relevant is now being questioned by you. The realization that is emerging is that without joy in your life the quest for more acquisitions can be rather empty. The planet that you reside on cherishes materialism above all and that is our subject for discussion today. Dear ones, your master work as you walk the earth is to learn the lessons of love which come in all shapes and forms. Many of you believe you walk the earth to have power, success or to “accomplish” your various goals. These ideas are what we would call your mode of travel–they are not your ultimate goal. The goal for all of you is to become aligned with love. The method you use will vary from individual to individual. It may take on the form of being rich or successful or broke and homeless. Nevertheless, each of you is to learn what love is. The goals you strive for have relevance when they begin to teach you how to love yourself and to love your friends and foes. When you can move beyond limitations that keep you from achieving this master goal, then you are indeed fulfilling your life’s work regardless of how you go about doing it.
Again, when we speak of love we are not referring to romantic love but love which is totally pure without any agendas connected to it. When your heart is open and accepting even to that which you do not necessarily like that is love that we speak of. Each day each of you has multiple opportunities to learn this lesson, especially when you are feeling angry or hurt or disappointed. This is the time when you must open your heart to love and to begin to peel away what is weighing on you. Begin to see if there is a place within yourself that is contracted and unwilling to love yourself or the object of agitation. How can that be cleaned and cleared so that you do not have to be weighed down by this agitation? How can you open your heart? Each day when you face these challenges–and you will–those are the times when you are doing your true work and that is how you will learn to love.
In Light and Love, Kandel (The Communicators)
Questions from Readers

Susan from NYC: I’ve had a clenched jaw for some years. Can it be related to my childhood and coming from a very controlling family? Is this something I’m using to have control?
The Communicators: Hello, dear one. Compassion, compassion, compassion. That is what is needed for you to move beyond that which took place in yester years. Yes, there was a child that was treated harshly for wanting to step out of the mold and to carve her own path. The fears of your elders perpetuated their behavior. They felt so insecure in their own skin that they insisted that everyone around them follow a safe and narrow road. Yes, Susan all of that did exist. However, you are no longer that child. You are now a grown woman who can make her own choices and decisions. You no longer have to rebel or ask for permission. You are very much the designer of your life and how you lead it. As a child, you were limited and did not like being put into a small box. Early on you learned to use your “will” to protect yourself. Susan, the locked jaw has been your way of taking control of what you see as unmanageable. You want to be “in charge of you,” and this is your ultimate act of defiance for not fitting into the mold. You still believe what you were told as a child. Even though you rebelled and innately knew the truth–that each individual, is indeed, an individual and has to carve out their own distinct path—you still bought into the idea that in order for you to be loved you had to be like other people. You are constantly seeking acceptance and judging yourself when you feel you have not filled the bill. The more you try to be accepted the greater the attention is focused outside of yourself so you often feel disconnected from your own source of power. Your way of working with that has been to lapse into a fantasy world that feels much safer and lovelier. Your clenched jaw is a defense against the world and having to “sell out.” That which is shifting within you is the realization that you do have a place in the world and that it is okay to be Susan –-the original that she is. Acceptance and compassion, must come from within you Susan, for until you allow that to happen you will continue to find yourself in situations in which you feel judged by other people and you will continue to clench your jaw as a reaction to those feelings. Susan, you have made great headways and yet, there is still a place within you that is using your “will” against yourself as a kind of punishment for not being as others are. Susan, you are a blessed and very loving and talented being that has so much to give. There is no reason for you to be imprisoned by this “idea or perception.”
The Communicators: Hello, dear one. We welcome you and we can assure you that your mother is in good hands. The excessive pain that is taking place at this time is being brought on by different sources. First, there was far more involved in

For you, Jason, it is imperative that you do not follow in your family lineage. Begin to express the feelings that you also tend to push down. Each day you must begin to clear out what has accumulated in the course of the day. If you don’t want to speak it out, then write it out, – it will be very helpful in reducing your stress level.