Hello, dear ones. We welcome you, and ask you once again to look inside yourselves. Many of you have made large leaps forward and many of you are still trying to convince yourselves that life is perfect just as it and that there is no need for you to make any shifts. You look around and say: “Well, I have everything. I have my family, I have my home, I have my work, what more could I want?” And, yet, for many of you there is a feeling of emptiness that does not leave you. You have been doing a fine job of pushing that feeling aside in favor of looking at what you have accomplished. Dear ones, that feeling of unrest or emptiness has been with you since childhood; it is that which you have come into this lifetime to resolve and transform. It is at your core. For each of you, it is somewhat different and it has lead you on your own individual direction and path. The emptiness comes up when you are not living in alignment with your individual truth. Although many lives may be similar in appearance, the way that one approaches his life and her individual lessons is distinct to you and you alone. So we invite you to ask yourself: Where are the places in my life that I feel inauthentic? What are the places in my life that I am just going along with the motions? Often one may decide it is his job or her marriage that is “the problem.” What we would say is that the job, the marriage is the arena in which the problem exists and where it is “demonstrated” but not necessarily “the problem” itself. The arena is the place that allows that which you are working through to be illuminated so that you know it exists. It is also the place that you can use as your laboratory to work through the pain and the conflict. So, once again, we invite you to look within and to look with open eyes at what it is that you have chosen not to look at.
Questions from Readers

The Communicators: Hello, dear one. The feelings that are emerging at this time are a composite of many years of denial. Christine you have walked a solo path because you have needed to do so in order to strengthen your “self” and learn that you are quite competent to stand on your own. At this time, you are beginning to feel all the pain of your earlier days and the ways in which you have not accepted yourself for who you are. Even though you have walked a brave walk you have often denied a part of yourself in the process. Dear one, you are tired of pushing down your feelings. You are tired of being a brave warrior. You are tired of holding up a brick wall that has become too heavy for you. Dear one, you are ready to go beyond the solo path. You see this quite clearly and are learning to accept it. At the same time, you are being faced with flashbacks of past events that are reminding you of why you decided to fly solo in the first place. These memories are being released so that you can clear out the past. These images are bringing up a good amount of fear. You believe you won’t be able to move in a new direction and have that which you desire in this lifetime. For so long, you have pushed your desires aside because you did not believe you were worthy of them. Now you are being forced to question all your behavior. Is it authentic or is it another form of hiding? You have mastered hiding and being alone in this lifetime and you have done a fine job of accepting your own company, but what you haven’t eradicated is the need to have more connection to other human beings. The acceptance of this need is the journey you are embarking on now.
Richard from NYC:What am I supposed to do with my gift for healing? (I feel that all month I’ve just been administering to people–my parents, friends, and now my partner.) This seems to be a theme. How do I protect myself from taking on the “bad” energy of people I work on?
The Communicators: Hello, Richard. Yes, dear, you have done much fine work and in doing so you have shifted your own congested energy field. That which is unfolding at this time is your own interior expansion. That which has stopped you in the past has been childhood issues that you had not fully resolved. These feelings have taken you intellectually in many different directions. This has been a journey that you started some years ago and this particular period is the culmination of all of that work. You have looked every where for answers and, although you have learned much in the process, you have still felt uneasiness and an internal dissatisfaction. Recently, you got to the congested core and accessed it energetically through your hands-on healing. That which appeared to be only for others was, indeed, your own method of healing the painful relationships that you have never had the space or williness to attend to before. It is as if you had to enter as an undercover agent so that you could connect to your family and your partner. You needed to let go of your mind and your words and energetically free yourself from the burden you have been carrying. Richard, as a healer, you are quite adept and talented; this gift has been known to you in many incarnations. You have mastered this talent and it comes quite easily to you. However, this talent is not intended to be your major work in this lifetime, but it is absolutely a tool that you can access when it is required. Words are your means of travel and your mind is constantly working overtime. By using your facility for energy clearing and manipulation you were able to go beyond your mind and innately go precisely to the point that needed a release. This allowed the congested energy to be released. All the pain that you have carried for so many years is being released and that is creating a wide open space within you. You are now able to see more clearly with an open heart who your family is (this includes friends and your partner). Richard, as you are most aware, you are multi-talented and when ever you set out to do something you are generally quite good at it. You take this trait for granted and you also use it as a crutch to avoid directly facing the places within you that feel compromised. The nagging that you often experience from others is the same nagging you feel inside of yourself. It is a constant voice that says you must endure and that you don’t have any rights. As you connect to the energy fields of those you are locked into, you connect to the same place within them that feels they too have no choice and that they must stay imprisoned in this life. This liberation will have a far reaching effect on all of you.
Shalynn from Seattle: I have been feeling very lost – I don’t know who I am any more… What do I need to do to find myself and be more of who I really am?
The Communicators: Hello, dear one. We welcome you and invite you to first open your heart to yourself and your current plight. Dear, you have been wandering around for sometime in search of YOU. Each road you walk down you feel is incorrect. You have an idea about how you want your life to be and at the same time you have as strong a thought that says: “You will never have that which you desire in this lifetime.” Each time you get a glimpse of light, you quickly snuff it out with your mind:“Oh, that will never work, I could never do that.” Dear, at this time your desire to move forward is very strong. You also have a very strong opponent–your mind–which is getting louder about it’s objections to you moving forward and departing from the narrow path it believes you must stay on. This battle is what is at the core of your discomfort. Shalynn, consciousness is your way out of this dilemma. The way for you to break the tension is to begin to see what is taking place. Every time you have a feeling that excites you, you also have a thought that knocks it down. It all happens quite quickly, almost like a knee-jerk reaction. Your mind is throwing cold water on your creative fires. Bit by bit, your mind needs to be disengaged from this activity. First, by really seeing what is happening and second, by learning to laugh at it. Yes, laugh dear. Every time your mind wants to throw cold water on your ideas, laugh and laugh some more. The more you laugh, the more you will want to laugh, and your fears will begin to dissolve. This will give your creativity a greater space in which to play. Your creativity wants to be free to play. Dear, you are most gifted and it is time for you to expand your wings; let laughter be your guide.