Hello, dear ones. This is a time of great change on the planet earth. This is quite apparent to all of you and we do understand that there is also a great feeling of frustration and even helplessness as to what to do to support this change. Dearest ones, as always our message to you is to be the best YOU that there is. This does not mean the richest or most popular or the most powerful it means to be true to your individual design and to the path you have come to walk. Being true to yourself is the greatest way to bring change to your planet. When we use the word Truth, we do not speak of defiance or rebellion. What we are speaking of is that which is within your essence, that which expands your energy outward, that which fills you with joy and love, and that which opens your heart and your mind to yourself and to other souls. By honoring and respecting your path and the paths of other souls, who also have their own individual design to follow, you pave the way to growth and to change on your planet. By following your own voice, you unite individuals as opposed to separating them.
This idea can sometimes be somewhat confusing for humans to understand because many have been taught to follow the pack regardless of what they think or feel. So, like sheep, you do what you were told you must do. This suits some people just fine for it is actually in alignment with their own design. For others, it is not right and, yet, they don’t feel they have a choice. So, they go along and in doing so they lose another part of themselves each day.
Dear ones, we do not suggest you turn your back on those you love. However, it is imperative that you are true to being YOU. Sublimating parts of yourself so that you can please someone else or believing that someone will love you if you are like them are great falsehoods that have propelled many souls to lose their own identity and not fully fulfill their own mission on earth. Therefore, once again, we remind you to be true to your own path.In Grace and Joy, Demartucious (The Communicators)
Questions from Readers
Amalia from Connecticut: My mom left our country to work when my sister was 6 years old and we were reunited 10 years later. My sister and mom have lived together for financial reasons–since then. For years they have argued every day. My sister recently lost her job and then the arguing has gotten worse. My sister is married with two teenage kids. Is this fighting ever going to end? Can I do anything to help?The Communicators: Hello, dear Amalia. We welcome you and commend you on taking on the role of mediator. This

form of communicating has become the norm for your mom and sister and in their own ways they are expressing their love for each other.
Dear, that which we have just said is very much a superficial response to what is taking place. On a deeper level there is a great deal of pain that is under the surface. There is a great deal of guilt that your mother holds onto for abandoning her family. She did what she believed was best for all concerned and, yet, secretly it was also what she wanted to do to be free. Your sister suffered the most from your mother’s leaving so early in her life. She never felt quite safe without her around. What is at play here is: your mother still wants to be free and she still feels that she must make good for what she didn’t do years before. Your sister has never really forgiven your mother for leaving. To actually speak the truth or even think the truth at this time would be far too difficult for either of them, so their only release is their arguing over petty matters.
The only way to set them free is for them to speak the truth of how they feel. Right now your sister is once again reliving her feeling of being cast away and it is bringing up all the old pain from childhood. Your sister needs reassurance that she is lovable and acceptable. You mother needs to know she is free to live her own life AND to love her family. It does not have to be an either/ or choice; this is not easy for her to see. The best way to support them would be to help them speak what they are feeling from the heart. At this particular time many wounds are open so it may not be the most ideal time to do this as anger may be mistaken for Truth. For now just be a calming force and keep moving so you do not get bogged down from all the noise.
Nelle from New York: For several years now, I have been spinning my wheels in many directions–work, money, true love relationships. I do all the right things: I clear spiritually, I question deeply, I work very hard and long. Still, the things that I want and need ALMOST come to me but then, through some strange turn, they escape or take a strange and powerful twist that makes them elude my grasp. How can I break through? And thank you for taking my question.
The Communicators: Hello, dear we welcome you. We are most pleased that you have taken the time to

communicate with us, for there is much that we have to say to you. This present platform is limited in what we can say, but for now this is the way that we will begin our connection to you and with you. Dear one, you are a most blessed soul, who has come to earth to learn how to be. You are a soul who has very large dreams and also many talents and, yet, that which you feel slips through your fingers has more to do with your past than your present. We need to take you back to previous lifetimes for you to have an understanding of your current process. You are one who has come from a background of tremendous wealth as well as being celebrated by the public. This is what is known to you on a cellular level and it is what you crave. However, in the many lifetimes that you lived a celebrated life, you often ignored many of the small things that the average soul encounters. You were beginning to become all surface and you were missing a kind of depth and richness to you life. The more you acquired the emptier you felt inside. So, in this incarnation, you requested to know the depths of your feelings, to learn humility and to open your mind and heart to the plight of the ordinary soul who walks the earth. Dear one, this is exactly what you have been given and it is exactly what you are learning and, yet, you are still yearning for the comforts and the applause that you once knew. In order for you to find a blending in this life–so that you do not continue to live in feast or famine–you will need to acknowledge that which you do in your life is purposeful and that each step is a learning tool that is opening up your heart and your mind. On some level you get this and yet on most other levels you feel like you are being punished or are self-sabotaging your own success. This is not the case; you are simply following the path that has been laid out for you. That which needs to be shifted at this time is your perception of your life and how you live it. When you begin to see that there is a grander plan and that you are following it with an open heart, you will no longer have to do without. You will have learned your lessons and you can begin to have more abundance and joy in your life and still be a person of depth and substance with an open heart. Dear, you are very much on the right path for you. We feel your impatience to get on with it,however; each step you take has purpose and must be savored and not rushed.
Richard from Brooklyn: In my new business–rather than follow a business plan — I am choosing to be open-ended and responsive to what comes up and to be willing to go where it goes. Is this too open-ended? Should I be more structured in my approach? I trust my instincts and it feels right, but questioning if I can trust myself.
The Communicators: Hello, dear Richard, we welcome you. That which you ask at this time has already been answered by you. The path you follow is the one that best suits you. You are a soul who does not like
restrictions, especially those implemented by other people and, yet, you often create your own restrictions. Richard, that which comes up for you at this time is something of an old pattern of thinking in which you feel that you need to put the brakes on when ever you are feeling too free. Dear one, you are doing precisely what is best for you and you are designing your life in a manner that suits you perfectly. Richard, when you begin to second guess yourself or to impose “shoulds,†that is when you move off your course and away from your creativity and natural essence. The issue of self-trust is that which you have fought throughout your life. In the past, your actions were often propelled by defiance after you had put yourself in a space that was not well-suited for you. At this time in your life, you are not doing that; you are truly in step with your own internal music and this is a very new experience for you. Dear one, enjoy it!