Healing Guidance Newsletter Judith Pomerantz

September 2008

September 11, 2008 / by judith

Hello, dearest ones. We welcome you all. That which is unfolding at this time is a “reawakening of self”. What does this mean? Pieces of your life which you may have forgotten are reappearing with keen sharpness and the beliefs you thought were “solid” are now being questioned. As you walk through your daily lives, we see the ways in which your feelings of dissatisfaction are being mrrored by your footsteps.

Oh, dearest ones, the time has come for you to live your dreams and to step out of the “ordinary” and out of the “tried and true.” There is a great restlessness on your planet. Many of your lives have become far too small, far too predictable, and far too controlled. It is time for you to step out of the little boxes into which you have placed yourselves. It is time to awaken your dreams–those latent dreams that float just below the surface of your conscious mind.

What is it that you dream to explore? What is it that you dream to investigate, to experience, to discover? What is it that will awaken the spirit of hope within you?

Your soul beckons you to listen to the dreams of your heart. As your spirit hears the faint whispers from your heart, it will awaken and you will understand why you walk the earth at this time. Dear ones, many of you will nod your head and say: “I don’t hear anything”. And so it may be for you at this moment. And, yet, we urge you to gently open the door of your mind to see what emerges.

In Graciousness and Light,
The Communicators (Levoteen)

Questions from Readers:

Gina from Tucson: My first love of 20 years ago got back in touch with me recently. My feelings for him remain intense and unresolved, more than our time together can justify. He is married and I am trying to be available in a new relationship of my own…so I need to let go, but I feel stuck. My question: What makes the connection with him so strong and difficult to let go of?

The Communicators: Dearest, he has triggered an opening in you that is reflective of many feelings that you have been pushing down. This particular relationship has stimulated memories and feelings from bygone days. In some ways there was a freedom and vibrancy that you had then that you long for again. This particular man touches a place in you that has shut down, a place that is filled with possibilities and passion. Over time, you have built a transparent wall around you and have begun to hold back feelings ofspontaneity and wonder. Some would say it is part of the aging process on earth in which the seriousness of every day life begins to imprint on soul and they begin to go inward sometimes out of maturing, and at other times as a way to protect themselves from experiencing hurt or pain. This particular man has brought to the forefront that which has been pushed down and the intensity of so many feelings emerging at one time has knocked you off balance. Dear, the opening that has been created is actually very healing and excellent for you, even though it may feel uncomfortable and inappropriate. By this time, you may have worked through some of these feelings. Allow the raw feelings to be free: they will subside naturally. The more you force yourself not to feel them the stronger they will advance. This is a time of rejuvenation for you.

Kevin from Brooklyn: Several years ago I entered into one of the more positive periods of personal growth that I have experienced. This is especially true of my spiritual life. Essentially many meaningful things about my life were being revealed to me. Creatively, I was flourishing, five years later the circle has closed and I’ve come to a screeching halt, especially with my spiritual life. What’s next?

The Communicators: Hello, dearest Kevin, we welcome you. You already know the answer to that which you ask. You have completed the cycle that you were in and now it is time to close that chapter and begin a new one. Intellectually, you are most aware of this. That which you want to put forth, you fear you will be unable to, so you keep pushing it off, hoping that a new inspiration or opportunity will come. You want very much to keep your dream alive and, in the process, you are shutting down all your internal systems. Dear, that which we can liken it to is keeping yourself alive on “life support” until a cure for the disease is found. You believe in your dream strongly and you just don’t want to jinx it by pursuing it directly. Dear, this is beginning to wear you down and you are preparing yourself to fight back because you can no longer stand to be in this limbo state. Opportunity will come to you when you stop “holding your breath” and you allow that which you want to come into view. You have the vision and, yet, you are keeping it buried for safe-keeping. Dear, the dream needs to have light and be nourished so that it can grow; it needs to come out of “hiding”.

Sienna from Sedona: I’m having a hard time coming up with a question. It’s a fuzzy zone for me. Here’s the one I can think of right now: Is there someone out/up there looking out for us? Meaning…do you believe that someone outside from our material (physical) world influences our life/state/well being? And, if so, how can we feel/recognize it? I hope this is not too strange or broad or abstract and if it is, please let me know!

The Communicators: Hello, dearest Sienna, we welcome you. And, yes, this is a very fine question; there are many like yourself that wonder about the same thing. Each soul that incarnates into human form has a group of souls that work with them. Some humans are more conscious of it while others are quite oblivious to the whole matter. Those that desire to “tap” into the resources that are available to them feel as if they are guided and assisted on their life path. In terms of the word you use–“influence”–this falls into a very gray area. The resources are there, but it is up to the individual to choose to make use of them. As we have said, some souls are most open to messages and make full use of the guidance while others may hear similar information and simply ignore it. Dear, this is not quite as simplistic as we are explaining it to you for each soul comes in with a history and a certain lineage. There are some that have been seekers for many, many incarnations and connecting to spirit is most natural to them. While other souls have walked different paths that are also very much in alignment with their soul’s purpose and they are more familiar with other methodology. Sienna, in your particular case you are a soul who has been quite familiar with spirit and you are most aware of how powerful these experiences can be. Your history is such that you “hold back” that which comes naturally to you. You have a belief that once you acknowledge the gifts that you posses that certain demands will be put on you and you just do not feel ready to take that on. Dear, your instincts and intuition are quite sharp and, when you follow them, you will find your life will flow easily. When you ignore your internal guidance you will also find that you’re struggling unnecessarily over simple things.

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