Hello, dear ones. We welcome you, and ask you once again to look inside yourselves. Many of you have made large leaps forward and many of you are still trying to convince yourselves that life is perfect just as it and that there is no need for you to make any shifts. You look around […]
September 2005
September 1, 2005 | Uncategorized | Permalink
August 2005
August 11, 2005 | Uncategorized | Permalink
Hello, dear ones. Welcome, once again. Yes, this is a time of truth for all of you. That which you believe you must have in your life in order for it to be relevant is now being questioned by you. The realization that is emerging is that without joy in your life the quest for […]
July 2005
July 11, 2005 | Uncategorized | Permalink
Hello, dear ones. The doors have opened. Some have walked through, while others have hovered around the entrance, trying to decide if it is time to make a change. For those who have walked through the door, you are beginning to feel elation and an elevated sense of purpose. For those of you hovering around […]
June 2005
June 11, 2005 | Uncategorized | Permalink
Hello, dear ones. We welcome you and congratulate you on enduring that which at times has seemed unendurable. So many shifts in consciousness are taking place across the globe. Some are more palatable, while others are putting many of you to the test. Are you ready to make the needed shifts? Yes, resistance mixed with […]
May 2005
May 11, 2005 | Uncategorized | Permalink
Hello, dear ones. We welcome you and repeat a message from the past. It is you that will carry the torch that will light the world. Your torch may appear to be small in stature and yet it carries a mighty light and when it blends with all the other lights it blazes quite brightly. […]
April 2005
April 11, 2005 | Uncategorized | Permalink
Hello dear ones, welcome to you all – yes we speak to all of you – not just the ones that have been diligent about their daily work, not just the ones that are happy or sad or scared or worried, we speak to all of you. For that which is taking place on earth […]
March 2005
March 11, 2005 | Uncategorized | Permalink
Hello, dear ones. We welcome you, and applaud you once again. Many of you have had to face that which you have believed was completed and yet it stares you in the face once again. You now have a new perspective on an old piece of business. You can now look at the old with […]
February 2005
February 11, 2005 | Uncategorized | Permalink
Hello dear ones welcome. The time is here and you are not. You want to be here, you wish you were here and yet you are still sitting on the fence wondering why you can’t get off the fence. Dear ones we know that you all have struggled to move through those places within yourselves […]
January 2005
January 11, 2005 | Uncategorized | Permalink
Hello, dear ones. We welcome you and invite you to open your hearts as you read these pages. There is much that will be said in these pages, some that will please you and some that will concern you. We assure that all that is unfolding is being done with purpose and love. There is […]
© Healing Guidance Newsletter, Judith Pomerantz. 2025