Healing Guidance Newsletter Judith Pomerantz

Winter 2005

December 11, 2005 / by judith

Hello, dear ones. We welcome you and we congratulate you on the fine work that you have done in this past year. There has been a great deal of unrest within you and around you and you have gone the distance to make many of the shifts that have been needed. For those of you who still feel you are frozen and not moving, we invite you to open your heart to yourself and to acknowledge that you are caught in a pocket of fear and are not quite ready to disengage from it.  For many of you the climate on your planet has mirrored your own challenges and has caused you to grieve the many losses. While, for others, it has opened your eyes in appreciation for what you have and for what you have accomplished. This knowledge is propelling you to move forward in your life and to open your arms and embrace that which you may have taken for granted. There is still much stagnation and much movement on earth at this time. The old order of things is breaking down while the earth is being cleansed of deception and greed. Dear ones, each one of your lives is a component of the universe. Each one of you is a thread that is woven into the greater tapestry of the universe. We encourage you to strive for luminosity in all that you do. You ask what does that mean? It is when you can see beyond the small obstacles and pitfalls in your life. When you can see who you are and not who you believe you ought to be. To appreciate all aspects of yourself and to see that which you put forth is that which is woven into the universal tapestry. That which you desire to shift on earth is that which you need to transform within yourself.

In Light and Love, Kandel

Questions from Readers

Jody from Minnesota: I know I need to focus on myself, yet I keep worrying about my daughter Anne. She was injured in an auto accident almost 3 years ago (she was a passenger) and she still has a lot of pain. Is there anything I can do to help her heal and move forward in her life? It just seems that she has been struggling with her future path. She has had panic attacks and stress related anxiety. I would like to see her stand up and become who she wants to be. I think her pain obscures her visions. Will it ever stop?

The Communicators: Hello, dear one. We welcome you. That which you are inquiring about is quite a mystery to you. The one called Anne is moving along on her journey as designated; this is a child who has come into to this lifetime with much unfinished business. That which has taken place needed to unfold so that Anne could complete the work she began in another lifetime. Anne has not fully forgiven herself for past actions she committed in another incarnation. She has held on to a kind of shame and her pain, although it is manifests on the physical level, it is an emotional pain. For now, Anne needs to continue to wallow in this pain. We understand as a mother it is very difficult for you to observe.  You want to do what you can to push her along in the direction that you feel will give her greater joy and happiness. Anne has the potential to do all of that, however, she is just not ready. Jody, for now we would have to ask you to be patient with this process and with Anne. She needs to know that she is loved and accepted. She often doubts that.  That is her main lesson at this time to know that she is indeed acceptable. She needs to find something in her life that she can call her own and at which she can feel she excels. It doesn’t have to be a major endeavor, but it must be very personal and unique to Anne. Jody, at this time your lesson to accept and to trust that your children are moving on the path that each one needs for their own specific journeys. The construction of your family is such that much learning and healing can take place in this lifetime. As the matriarch of your clan, you are setting an example of unconditional love and acceptance. This is what each member of your family requires so that they can heal their wounds. Jody, your lesson is to do less and to love more, and that loving must begin with yourself.

Wong Siew Yin from Malaysia:  I learned about you from my friend, Richard, who has referred to you on many enlightening occasions. I appreciate his sharing with me on the spiritual lessons that he is learning through your work. I would like to know about my own spiritual mission in this life time and my connections with Richard. I have learned Insight Meditation, Pranic Healing, Spiritual Response Therapy and breath works from various teachers.

The Communicators: Hello, dear one.  We welcome you and ask you to take the time to indulge yourself in some peaceful contemplation, as you are one with a very curious mind who is most intrigued with learning something new.  In a sense, you are like an explorer who is most pleased when you can travel to new terrains. You feel that your current surroundings have become too limited for you and you are ready to embark on a much larger journey. In your mind you see “the universe” as quite vast, too vast to visit on the physical plane but entirely possible to access on the spiritual plane.  We feel that is why you have written us at this present time. Although, we are in favor of discovery and exploration, we invite you to look within yourself to see the places within you that have been locked up and are not being attended to. That which we speak of is in regard to your every day activities.  Even though they may seem common place to you, they are your basics and it is time that you paid more attention to what is right in front of you (that which you often ignore in favor of what you see as”loftier ideas” and greater intellectual sophistication). This form of intellectual snobbery is something you wear very well and yet it creates a distance between you and your family. Dear, at this time your primary work needs to be in the area of your family relationships. Yes, you have had many past-life connections with your friend, Richard and, yet, this is all rather irrelevant at this time. Your journey within can be most inspired if you work with it in response to your family dynamics.  Look at those places within you that are hurt or withdrawn or angry or embarrassed in relationship to your family. That is the greatest exploration that you can do at this time.

Louise from Minnesota:   I am almost 82 and haven’t really thought too much about this kind of thing. I’m pretty skeptical by nature, but, as time passes, I have been open to spiritual awakenings and healing. I have one living sister (11 years older) who seems to be fairly alert the majority of the time (although I don’t know this for sure). She lives in another state and, since family is important to me, I have tried hundreds of times to call her and to share things going on in our lives.  Her responses have always been so negative and mean that I find myself getting so frustrated, angry and hurt after every phone call that I don’t want to talk to her anymore. It seems she is mean to most people, treats them as subservient, and seems to believe that she knows all the answers and needs to be right. Is it worth it to continue any relationship with her, hoping that she will come around or am I wasting my time? Why is she so stuck on her imaginary pedestal?

The Communicators: Hello, Louise, and welcome, dear one.  That which you ask at this time is quite relevant to you and is something you must resolve in this lifetime. Your sister is indeed filled with pain and regrets. She had believed that her life would take another direction and she has not been able to go beyond the disappointment she has felt. As a way for her to protect herself from seeing the joy in other people, she has created something of a porcupine demeanor as a way to guard herself and to elevate herself so that she doesn’t have to see how miserable she really is. As you are most aware, she could have far more joy and pleasure in her life if she could share her feelings and open up to receive the love that is available to her. Louise, that which has inflamed you is her response to you and it is quite understandable. And, yet, there is a place within you that is still seeking some validation from her that you are a good and loving person. Your sister is in far too much emotional pain to ever give you what you want. Still, you have pushed onward.  Why? Because you believed it was the loving thing to do and because you felt that being accepted by your sister would help you to accept some of the disappointments that have unfolded in your own life. As a child, you were the bubbly one who could easily get acceptance from most anyone; this gave you a certain confidence to move forward in your life. When you encounter a person who does not respond to you that way, it takes you to a place of doubt in which you believe that perhaps you have been a fraud most of your life. This is what you need to see at this time, that you are fine and acceptable regardless of what pain or disappointment another person may be feeling. Your sister has carved her life in a way that suits her; in spite of her behavior, she looks forward to hearing from you. She needs you more than she lets on. Your sister is in emotional pain and her way of dealing with it is by putting up this false front. We would encourage you to continue calling her and sending her cards. What needs to shift is your expectation that she will change or behave any differently. What you are doing by calling her is including her in your life, but more importantly, letting her know that she is not alone, that she is a part of your life regardless of how she may behave. Louise, you are a very loving soul and it is easy for you to extend love. That is all that is needed here. The acceptance you desire must come from yourself.   You have much to give for you have done quite well on all levels in your life. If the calls are difficult, make them shorter, but do continue to make them. Your dear sister is in need of your forgiveness for the barriers she has put up and for the angry missiles she sends out when you have wanted only to love her. She is in need of your unconditional love and acceptance in spite of what she may bring forth.

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