Healing Guidance Newsletter Judith Pomerantz

July 2008

July 11, 2008 / by judith

Hello, dearest ones, we welcome you all. There is a great deal of shifting and changing taking place on your planet. On the one hand, it is bringing up feelings of fear and scarcity and, at the same time, a new opening is taking place in which many are getting glimpses of that which they desire. This new opening has come about because of the efforts and openness of those who have been tireless in their pursuit of personal and universal truth.
Parallel experiences are unfolding where possibilities for greater growth are appearing against the back drop of a repetitive droning of the “world’s problems”.
Dearest ones, these experiences are all one-and-the-same. In essence, the world is “cracking open” and that which existed for so long can no longer dominate. This applies on a personal level and also on a global level. In your personal lives the “idea of new possibilities” is very appealing. And with thoughts of these new possibilities come the questions: How do I achieve them? Can I achieve them? Will I achieve them? Do I deserve to achieve them? And on and on the questions come. On a global level there are, of course, many more voices entwined in this discussion; some are pushing forward and some are holding back for fear that they will lose that which they identify as “normal”. A very large tug-of-war is taking place and more and more fatigue is setting in and, out of weariness, many of you are letting down your guard and beginning to allow some new ideas to enter your psyche.
As always, however, and, in particular at this time, it is necessary for souls to be awake and conscious of what they are doing. The days of operating on “automatic pilot” are over. Are you ready to give yourselves permission to do things in a different manner, to do things in the spirit of love? Many of you are harsh taskmasters rather than a friend who sees that you have some blind spots and still holds you in love. How much more effective a loving heart can be in creating your desires. Dearest ones, ease up on the self-abuse and see how much more helpful self-praise can be in implementing those very important changes you are preparing to make.

In Graciousness and Light,
The Communicators (Levoteen)

Questions from Readers

Dawne from Brooklyn: I am seriously concerned about the state of our environment. Am I being alarmist when I feel that there will be a significant human crisis in this country in my lifetime (I am 38 this year)? Is there anything more I could be doing to help?

The Communicators: Hello, dear. Yes, there is much reason to be concerned about the abuse that your planet has endured on many, many levels. That which is unfolding is very much a by product of the energetic vibrations of the life forms that inhabit the earth. The way for each individual to be of service to your planet is to clear out the emotional toxins in your own life. By clearing and healing your own internal wounds you create a healthier and more expansive energy field which will have a positive impact not only on yourself and those whose lives you touch, but also on your planet and the universe. No, dear, we are not giving you a pie-in-the-sky answer; each one of you is part of the greater whole. The collective consciousness of your planet has been one of greed and entitlement even amongst those who have little. As individuals purify their own energy field they are also contributing to the purification of the greater whole.

Lorraine from Seattle: Recently, I have been invited to develop a new program based upon my own life-long struggle with weight. The aim of my program is to just make things a bit better for others who also struggle with weight issues. I am fearful that the powers that be will undercut my methods and dreams for this program. Also, will I be able to keep up my personal success as a role model?

The Communicators: Hello, dear Lorraine, we welcome you and congratulate you on the very fine job you have done of moving out of your “safety zone”. That which is unfolding at this particular time is two-fold in nature. There is “your own internal fears” that are rising to the surface and the “internal fears of your director”. Both of you want very much to be accepted and your fears are colliding. This is what feels very uncomfortable to you. Dear, we do understand that you have “big ideas”. However, at this particular time, you need to pull back a bit and do some coasting along. By slowing down, you will give your director a chance to catch up to where you are, but most importantly, slowing down will make her feel safe.
Dear, this situation can be likened to you stepping into a ballet already in progress and, if you move too quickly you will be out of step with the company. By maintaining what is familiar and by easing in the new, you will slowly capture the interest of those around you. Dear, you are quite familiar with how to work with groups and individuals and this is just another way to use your skills.
In terms of your personal concern about being a successful “role model”, this is the area in which you are being far too hard on yourself. This is causing you to feel “added pressure” which is counter-productive to your ultimate goal. Dear, take the focus off “having to be a certain way for other people” and do what ‘’feels good” to you. You have had an exemplary track record; that which motivates you is not fear rather, knowing your work is your “calling” and that you have much to share with those who are struggling. You have looked at this particular “struggle” from each and every direction and you truly do understand the workings of this behavior. By creating “positive goals” to work towards and “clearing out negative programming”, you have found that it is possible to shift the behavioral patterns of an individual. You know this because you live it. With each struggle and with the transcendence of each struggle, you have gathered the impetus and experience to eloquently teach others. In those moments when you feel you have “lost your way”, know this is temporary in nature. You will always come back to your commitment to serve others and to grow in this process. This is your driving force and that is why you are successful and will continue to succeed! It comes from the purest place within you and is your guiding light!

Edoe from Harlem: My mother is almost 87 years old and she is failing rapidly. I, who have lived away for so long have never really had to deal directly with my mother and now I am feeling trapped and resentful. I am in a position to be her caregiver and I don’t feel emotionally or financially prepared for it. What to do?

The Communicators: Hello, dearest Edoe, we welcome you and are most aware of the dilemma you have found yourself in. That which you believe you need to do is not quite as it will be. Dear, your “MO”–in terms of your family–has been to vanish when it appeared things were getting “too messy”. This time you will need to ride it out even if you feel uncomfortable in the process. Dear one, that which you will learn in this process will assist you in every aspect of your life. It has been much easier for you to move on when things felt “hard” or you got “bored”. By nature movement is your main mode of operation and it is a most natural thing for you to do. We are not suggesting that you stop moving or stop exploring or discovering new terrains, but there will be times on your journey when you will need to reside longer in a certain situation. You are probably wondering: Why must I do this? What can I offer this or that person when I feel so unhappy in this situation?
Dear, to address the why? It is a way for you to grow and go beyond yourself. In spite of all your movement and travel and discoveries, you tend to limit yourself in terms of how deeply you connect to another soul. On a superficial level you do quite well. But once you feel that something more is expected of you, you shut down and are ready to go out the door. As a result of this behavior you have missed out on deeper emotional experiences which would have been quite meaningful and loving for you. In this way you short-changed yourself. In terms of this particular case, your mother, in spite of her fragility, does have the ability to call in the help she requires. At this time, she has called in you because she wants to share this particular time with you. Dear, your mother carries guilt with her about past actions and she wants to do a better job. In particular, she wants very much for you to know love in your life. She wants you to have more than she has had. Dear, you are more than capable to find the resources that your mother requires so that you do not feel so burdened on a day-to-day basis and as a result, you can experience quality time with her when you are together. Dear, Edoe, your work with you family is not complete.

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