Healing Guidance Newsletter Judith Pomerantz

Relationships & Intimacy – Part 1

February 11, 2009 / by judith

Judith: Levoteen, I have been doing a lot of thinking about relationships in my life and in the lives of other people. Do you have any guidance for us?

The Communicators: Yes, Judith, we have much to offer you and to those that have written to you. We invite you all to look around you and see who is in your life. Many of you don’t really see who you are partnering with even though you may refer to them every day as your partner, your husband/wife, your lover, your girlfriend/boyfriend, your dream person, your for-the-moment person; even the “non existent person” has a kind of personality as well. Who is this person? And what does he/she mean to you? Who are you when you are with him/her? Who are you when you are not with him/her? So many of you are operating on “automatic pilot” and are oblivious to what you have and who you are with or want to be with. Dear ones, Open Your Eyes; begin to taste, feel and know what it is that you have and what is that you believe you don’t have. The time for truth has come.

Judith: Levoteen, that feels kind of foreboding to me.

The Communicators: Dear, we can see why you would say that and yet it is time for those who want to evolve and grow to expand beyond “business as usual” and to take the time to fully appreciate who they are and who they are with and who they want to be with. Humans talk a lot about love, but so often they have no idea what love is.

Judith: Levoteen this sounds like a tall order.

The Communicators: Dearest one, perhaps it appears that way, however, many of you are ready to take on this challenge. That which we say is intended to open up the “thought process” in each individual that reads this. Again, it is only those that are ready to grow that will see the depth in it; others will just find it annoying and cryptic.

Judith: Levoteen, I may be one of those folks.

The Communicators: Not really, dear, that which you are questioning at this time has less to do with you, personally, and more to do with how you believe this information will be received by your readers. Dear, this is the message that needs to come forth at this time and you cannot concern yourself with being amiable. Our work is to awaken those souls that are ready to hear.

In Graciousness and Light,
The Communicators (Levoteen)

Questions from Readers

Meet Jenn and Jason: Jenn describes their 3 1/2 years relationship as loving, filled with humor, and very trusting and comfortable.

Jenn: Lately, my boyfriend and I have been fighting more than usual. We each have a lot of pent-up anger/resentments towards the other and it takes very little to set us off these days. A lot—if not most—of our issues are in fact very trite (e.g., being more thoughtful/flexible, doing one’s share of chores, offering more romantic gestures) and yet somehow these misunderstandings seem to have a cumulative effect emotionally so that one little thing feels like 100 of those incidents in one. I also am very upset at the things he says when he is angry, declarations that don’t just dissipate into thin air once he has said them, but that fester inside of me. There are times that I realize I don’t feel like being romantic because deep down I have unresolved resentments and pent up anger.
The Communicators: Hello, dearest Jenn. The pettiness that is so easy for humans to get absorbed in—regardless of the nature of the relationship—has most to do with the individual fears of each being. The terms commonly used on earth would be “button-pushers”. The closer you are with another soul the more aware he/she is of your vulnerabilities and often that is the place one would gravitate towards if a person feels his/her safety or well-being is at stake. Dear, when you bring up things that are annoying to you, all your boyfriend hears is “criticism” and a “stripping away of his manhood”. Your words are coming from your own frustration of “not being heard or acknowledged.”

Each one of you is processing the experience in a way that aligns with your own “fears and strengths”. If you are a soul that tends to feel “invisible” then “not being heard” would be a big “button-pusher” for you. If your partner is a soul that is “feeling insecure about his worth and purpose in life” then something that sounds like criticism would be a “button-pusher” for him. The more “button-pushings” that are stored within a person the more “armored” a being becomes and that is when the slightest things will set a person off.

As always, our counsel is to clear out your own attic, to work on healing that which is your part of the equation. Dear, in your case, you have “babied and been overly protective” of your boyfriend and you have allowed him to “get away with not doing certain things”. You have done what you have because you have believed that this was the way to show love and caring; in the process, you have lost part of yourself. That which is angering you right now is that you WANT MORE and you no longer want to be taken for granted. To shift this behavior you would have to be less critical and more direct about what you want. This will initially intimidate your boyfriend because he suffers often from feeling quite insecure. However, unless you take a stand for yourself you will continue to feed “the baby” in him and he will have no reason to “grow up”. You have to decide if you want to baby sit or if you want an equal partner and lover. Dear, we invite you to carefully consider all that has been said for, that which needs to shift first is your own internal process; this new stance must come from a wholeness and confidence in you, otherwise, you will just come off like a tyrant and you will lose that which you want. So, understanding and moderation is needed in the process. But, most importantly, you need to know it is okay to have your needs met.

Meet Sarah: 58 year old spiritually attuned single woman from Chicago. Her last deep relationship was 28 years ago.

Sarah: Is it possible for ME to be in a loving, intimate and reciprocal relationship in this lifetime?

The Communicators: Dear one, you are beginning to become conscious of your desire to cohabit and commingle with another soul. For so long you have believed that love was something that would never come to you.

In the past, you have known a connection where you have felt love, comfort and security and you have also known great heart break and disappointment. You have believed that in order for you to have love in your life you must also experience heartbreak. There is a part of you that still believes these two feelings go hand-in-hand and you have opted to have neither as a way to feel safe and whole. As a result dear, you have spent many years running away from yourself and your heart’s desire.

As the years have passed you have gotten far more self-sufficient and have healed many of the deep wounds that have propelled you into hiding. To speak of your desire to connect to another soul is for you a large first step in opening up what you have sealed shut. Dear, each new word you utter about this desire and each new thought you think is creating a new opening for you which, in turn, will create many more new openings. Dear, you are on the right path and we encourage you to continue to speak about and to acknowledge your heart’s desire.

Meet Alice and Howard: They have been married for 45 years and for the last year Alice has been ill.

Howard: Is very concerned about his wife, Alice; she is seriously ill. She receives treatment from a conventional doctor. Howard believes in Alternative Treatments and does not really approve of the traditional treatment prescribed by Alice’s doctor. How can he best support Alice in her journey?

The Communicators: Alice is a soul who has walked a rather narrow path in this life and traditional treatment is the way she feels most comfortable. She believes in what she sees as the “tried and true” methods and she is not in any way interested in what she sees as being experimental in nature. This is completely in character with her and, frankly, at this stage in her life it is not vital for her to change that philosophy.

However, what is burdening her at this time is her feeling “guilty” over things she believes she “should have done”. She regrets words and actions she did not say and do and it is these “regrets” that are weighing her down. What she needs most to do is to talk about these feelings. The more she can release the “guilt and regrets” the lighter she will feel. Changing doctors at this time is really irrelevant. Most important is for her to open up and release that which is burdening her mind and her heart.

Howard, you need to be a friend to Alice and find ways to help her relax so she may feel more open to talk. Your ideas about treatment may work just fine for you because they match your belief system, however, Alice’s thinking is quite different. Howard, you are also holding on to many of your own fears about “doctors” and you are not quite as open as you believe yourself to be. That which will serve you both the most is to talk and to begin to admit some feelings about things that were never spoken about. It can start off easily; there is no need to push it. Howard, you might like to begin by talking about something from your childhood—perhaps something you never shared with Alice.

Meet RP: A gregarious gay man from New Orleans.
RP: There are things, both large and small, I want to do in life before I shed this mortal coil. In the middle of the scale is learning French and at the grand end of the scale is being in a relationship. I know what steps to take to learn French, but I’m pretty clueless about pursuing a relationship. One thing I’m reasonably sure of is that I don’t really want to pursue or chase after it. Generally, I’m trying to be more open to life, stretch my usual boundaries and face my fears as best I can when they come up. And, for now, I’m wrapping the possibility of a relationship in that same package. It’s not a direct route to romance, but I think it’s the route I need to take. Any thoughts?

The Communicators: Hello, dearest RP. We welcome you and invite you to spread your wings even wider than you can imagine. RP, you are a most gregarious soul who is indeed interested in engaging all aspects of yourself in a wide range of experiences; it is also true that that which you desire has to be very much on your terms and done your way. Your life very much revolves around your varying needs and desires and, although you care and consider other people when you get absorbed in you own “interests,” you seem to lose touch with what is around you.

Dear, your many friends satisfy many of your needs for connecting, but that which is not currently being fulfilled are your sexual desires. This is the area that you need to pursue for, although you think you may want a “relationship,” in truth such a relationship would be far too stifling for you. That which most compliments your current lifestyle and temperament would be a sexual partner with whom you have an understanding, a partnership in which each of you lives your own separate life and then comes together, in physical passion, as it is needed. Dear, the way to do this is really JUST TO DO IT. It is about approaching someone you find attractive and letting them know it.

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