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Frequently Asked Questions

What is In-Person Channeling/Counseling?
It is a unique, interactive counseling method that take place through channeled writing. It is not “fortune telling” but deep soul work. I would describe it as psycho-spiritual; The process is often more accelerated than traditional therapy and your spiritual evolution is the basis for this work.

What is the source of your guidance?
The Communicators are my source of guidance. They are wise, loving and extremely creative in their approach to healing. They see the truth of who we are and serve as a guide to our own true nature and light.

What benefits do people gain from this approach?
A renewed sense of purpose, greater clarity, and calmness. Getting in touch with “Who YOU are” and “What YOU know” allows outdated patterns of behavior to be transformed and released.

What takes place during a Session?
A dialogue between you and The Communicators. Through this dialogue you begin to have insights and a deeper understanding of the events in your life. Often a person comes to a session for one reason and as the session unfolds other long-buried issues are revealed. My method of receiving guidance from The Communicators is through writing. Google Doc has become a most ideal platform to engage in a written conversation.

By tuning into your individual energy field, The Communicators are able to ask just the right questions. These are working sessions in which you actively participate in your own healing process. There may be times during the session that you feel challenged, angry or sad, but through dialogue with The Communicators, your energy begins to shift and openings take place.

See Services for the different types of channeling sessions available.

To Schedule a Session judithpomerantz@gmail.com 646-732-7025

      Photo by: Stacia Teele