Healing Guidance Newsletter Judith Pomerantz

April 2005

April 11, 2005 / by judith

Hello dear ones, welcome to you all – yes we speak to all of you – not just the ones that have been diligent about their daily work, not just the ones that are happy or sad or scared or worried, we speak to all of you. For that which is taking place on earth is about a group effort that can only be initiated by the individual. The call is to come forth and to be the very best YOU that there is. No need for you to be what your mother told you to be, or what you believed would please your father – no it is time for the essence of “YOU” to be seen and heard by all. You are given a name and you are asked to follow a path. You believe that there is only one way to walk this path – you take the lead of your parents, either emulating them or defying them, taking many twists and turns in the process. Until the day comes when you begin to realize that you no longer need to walk in the imprint of another that your feet have formed their own image and now you can create your own individual foot prints. So we sing out to you the word INDIVIDUALITY, that which makes you unique in the universe. It is that special quality that is being asked for at this time. See it and be it. It is the I AM.

In Light and Love, Kandel (The Communicators)

Questions from Readers

Melanie from Memphis: I am in a very emptying process in my life right now. Loss of employment for 1yr. and my partner of 3yrs has ended our relationship and is moving to where or why she is not revealing. How do I allow myself into these deep emotional & unhealthy relationships? What am I blocking and not allowing myself to make happiness for ME? In these next few weeks I know that I am feeling fear more than ever.

The Communicators: Hello dear, that which is currently unfolding is indeed the completion of a larger cycle that has been unfolding for some time now. Emptying is a very fine way to describe what is taking place in your life. All that was will no longer be, and we understand that brings up a tremendous amount of pain and feeling of loss within you. You have had to do all this clearing so that you could start a new. Dear, you have lived your life thus far as a person in hiding, you have believed that you were being your authentic self and yet this was not the case. You have manufactured a certain persona as a way to live in a world that you believed was against you. All of your choices were part of a defiance you believed was needed for you to survive on earth. As a part of your “defiance” you attracted all that you needed to put together what you could call a life – believing you were doing the best you could. But little by little it fell apart because you could no longer sustain the charade you have been living. Melanie, you are a soul who is quite private and yet you have pushed forward “to be out” so that you can say this is who I am and you must accept this if you want to accept me! In some ways this goes against your gentle nature. You have not yet found a way to be truly yourself, to truly accept yourself and allow other people to catch up. In an effort to move forward in your life you have pushed yourself hard and you can no longer do that. Once you have cleared out everything that has “defiance” stamped on it you will be free to yourself, a gentle soul who doesn’t want to fight to be herself – she just wants to be herself. We would not necessarily say that you have been blocking but rather you selected a means of travel that does not really suit you, and it is time to find a new mode. We realize that you feel you have to make a “decision” now – and yet you are not quite ready to do that. As you described earlier you are emptying out your past and you need to finish that process before you can be clear about the future. Allow yourself to complete this phase of your life, as well as the mourning that you are experiencing. This is all that you can do right now. You will know when you are ready to move on to something else – give yourself the time and space you need right now to complete this process.

Bella from San Fransico: I am a mother of three young children. I am experiencing a lot of different anxieties and “Mommy Guilt”. I want special time with all of them, but it just doesn’t seem possible. I can’t always give them the extra TLC that I think they need or I want to give them. How can I know them better individually?? How can I divide myself in three?? How can I rid myself of the things that just don’t really matter at the end of the day (ie; clean house, laundry and other BS)? In the end I need to feel anxious, but sometimes I feel wound so tight.

The Communicators:Hello Bella, there is much you have said, and yet there is much more that you have left out. That which is draining you at this time is far more complex than being the mother of 3. Dear one, you are one of great creativity who longs to be acknowledged for your many gifts and talents. At this particular time in your life your children have become your creative outlet. It is a job you have taken on whole-heartedly and willingly, and yet that which drains you has more to do with your own childhood disappointments you encountered growing up. You were kept under a thumb when you needed a much bigger playing field to work in. You expressed these compressed feelings in creative ways and it allowed you to make the best of things, and yet you have never really dealt with your own pain of not being the “best.” In your current life you are being challenged in every way and once again those childhood feelings are returning. The feeling of whatever you do is not adequate. These feelings are deep and they are in relationship to your parents. As a mother you’re quite loving and your children will flourish, however, as a child you often felt short changed and compromised. That is what needs to be cleared; not how you can be a better parent, but rather how can you let go of your own childhood hurts and bottled-up feelings that you so often push down. As a child you did not learn how to deal directly with conflict. You often circumvented what you felt as a way to smooth things out. As a mother, you are trying to do the same. This process of not dealing has become far too stressful and the time has come for you to look directly at your feelings. How can you go making this shift? Each day you must give yourself a few moments in which to write or speak about what you are feeling. You can jot down words or phrases in a note book or a large sketch pad. Leave a pen or markers attached to the book or pad. Give the book a name and, when a feeling arises jot it down. Or you can cut out words from a magazine that resonate with you. You will be creating a collage of your feelings. This is not necessarily a work of art but it will become one. This is to be a “FEELING PROJECT” not a mental exercise. When you find you are saying one thing and really feeling another – write down the authentic feelings. The purpose of this project is for you to get in touch with what is really going on with Bella.

Renee from New Jersey: I would like to know why I lose my temper so easily with people I love, especially my mother. Is it because I am just like her?

The Communicators: Hello dear, there is much confusion within you at this time. There is a place within you that wants very much to please and comfort your mother and there is another place within you that is quite intolerant of everything that she says and does. Why is there a split and how can you reconcile these differences? The split comes from a split within YOU. Your desire to have harmony and peace in your life is great and yet you believe that the only way you can achieve this is if everything falls into a certain place in a certain way. When something falls out of the boundaries of what you believe is acceptable you become filled with doubt and questions. The more you attempt to control a particular outcome the greater the anxiety you feel and the greater the explosion that will follow. You often feel angry towards your mother because she creates a distraction to make herself the center of attention. She represents the unexpected when you are attempting to put everything in a certain order. This all comes from your own fear of being accepted and of needing to have everything acceptable. Dear, the more you can see that who you are is just fine, and even though your mother may throw a wrench into what appears to be a perfect plan, it will still be just fine. You will always attract souls who want to upset the apple cart when you try so hard to keep it stationary. That which you are seeking is to find peace within yourself – this is often difficult for you because your mind is always working on solving something. Dear, it is time that you begin to learn some relaxation and concentration techniques to assist you in focusing on all that is positive within you and around you.

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