Healing Guidance Newsletter Judith Pomerantz

May 2005

May 11, 2005 / by judith

Hello, dear ones. We welcome you and repeat a message from the past. It is you that will carry the torch that will light the world. Your torch may appear to be small in stature and yet it carries a mighty light and when it blends with all the other lights it blazes quite brightly. The light we speak of is the light of love that is often spoken of, sung about and cried about and yet with all the air time it gets, love often falls through the cracks and goes unnoticed. That which is sung about and constantly thought about is what we would call desire and ego fulfillment. That which we speak of is Love, which is intangible and yet it has the power to open a heart and to shift the course of time. The love we speak of is all encompassing, it has no boundaries, it can heal the wounded, it can transform the world, and it is that which every soul yearns for. It is that which is known to all and yet it is often forgotten in favor of the pursuit of finding, getting and being loved. The love we speak of is a pure state in which all desires, agenda and will are lifted. It is that moment when the blinders come off, your heart is open, and you see crystal clear. We invite you at this time to slow down and to step back. Is your heart open? Are your desires propelling you or is your heart informing you?

In Light and Love,
Kandel (The Communicators)

Questions from Readers

Ellen from Seattle: What do I need to do to become the very best writer that I can be? Emotionally, mentally, spiritually and physically?

The Communicators: Hello dear, to break all the rules that you have constructed in your head. That which is foremost in your creative process is a desire within you to live out a dream that has been with you since childhood. In that dream you are a famous author who lives life fraught with adventures. These dreams are still with you, and you often get lost in that fantasy of what you want to unfold and you ignore that which you have to give. There is a separation within you. Within you lives the fantasy-maker and the rule-maker. Each is quite diligent in doing their job and each in their own way prevents you from really “writing” your story. Ellen, you are always somewhere other than where you are, wondering about how it will be. There are so many moments that you have missed because you were thinking or doing something else. This even took place when you were writing your questions – as you were writing your first question you were thinking about the second and third one. By doing this you lose the connection to the words and the result is that the reader will not be interested in your writing because it appears as if you are not interested enough to be present with it. Our answer to all your questions would be to begin to learn what it is to be present in the NOW. Even if you are telling a story about yesterday, you can still be present with your current feelings about the experience that you had. Writing can be the way back to yourself, but first you must find yourself. You must constantly check in with yourself to see if you are present to what is taking place or has your mind jumped to something else. You believe it to be impatience but it is far more than that, it is a way for you not to feel what is going on, and it has become a habit that seeps into everything that you do.

Thomas from NYC: Lately I can not seem to care about my current business nor pursuing teaching music. My heart is not in it. I enjoy recording meditations at the moment; preserving nature and making movies intrigue me. Moving feels like a must, but I feel too drained and worn out to pursue anything. Still, I sense that things are unfolding fine. What is going on?

The Communicators: Hello, Thomas. We welcome you and congratulate you on moving forward in some pivotal areas of your life. That which you are speaking of at this time is a mixture of entertainment and avoidance. In the true sense you have not yet fully latched on to that which we would say is your true calling. This phase of your life is experimental in nature and you are in search of that which will bring you joy and sustenance. You believe you want to “settle down” and yet every fiber in your body is saying something else. Every attempt you make to go on the straight and narrow seems to catapult you into some what of a rebellious state in which you desire to express your individuality and your uniqueness. The fatigue you are feeling is a result of this battle you are having within yourself. You are attempting to force yourself into a mold and the more you force the more it is bringing up feelings of resentment and a greater desire to flee into that which you find more pleasurable. Thomas, this is a stage you must move through in order to understand what it is that you truly desire in life. You still hold on to the values of your parents even though you believe otherwise. The only time you feel you are free from their thinking is when you are doing your own creative endeavors. Then the time comes when you desire to make the endeavor “real” and commercially successful, it is then that your mind begins to process the project in a way that duplicates your parents thinking and simultaneously you lose interest in the project and once again seek a new toy with which to amuse yourself. This has been your pattern and you have learned a great deal from this way of operating and yet you are still playing out an old pattern of rebellion. The rebellion is often concealed behind what appears to be enormous creativity and brilliance. Thomas to find your way back to yourself see how your approach to “work” very much mirrors that which you were taught as a child. This is not necessarily a “bad” thing and yet you fight so hard against it. Many of these traits you admire and respect and others you find controlling and limiting. What you require at this time is to take a closer look at those early models and see which part you are still fighting against. This is what needs to be cleaned out and made peace with by you. When you can do that, you will be accepting who you are and you will no longer have to move into rebellion and will be ready to fully use your entrepreneurial skills to manifest that which you desire.

Gretchen from NYC: For the last few weeks my knee has been very stiff and inflexible. I feel very unsteady and movement is painful and difficult. I feel like this pain is a message to me.
The Communicators: Hello, dear one, we welcome you. And, yes, it is a loud announcement; this pain is a message for you to wake up and to decide that which you desire in this life. Gretchen, for some time you have been coasting along in a rather safe existence and now you are at a level of your development in which you must begin to take larger steps. You have taken a safe road because you needed the time to clear out the old and to strengthen your skills so that you could be more accessible to many more people and have a larger voice. Now is the time for you to take bigger strides and to — shall we say — take your show on the road. The inflexibility of your left knee represents your unwillingness on some level to open yourself up to the many possibilities that are awaiting you. This forced retreat has given you the time you need to contemplate who you are, where you have been and where it is you would like to go. On some level you feel as if this is the end of the you that you know. Your current physical discomfort is bringing up every fear and doubt that is within you and giving you an opportunity to look at them and decide the course that you would like your life to take. Do you want to move forward or do you want to stay in a small world that is far too restricted for your talents and abilities? Dear the ball is in your court and it is time for you to decide if you want to play in the game of life.

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